We provide support, advice and implementation of training and education plans for companies that are interested in the training, teaching and learning of their workers, in order to educate and accompany them in what to do as self-employed workers, proposing a methodology emerging pedagogy, which allows to identify and make it possible for its workers to learn in a self-regulated way, promoting autonomous learning, with the support of the necessary technological resources, hand in hand with the best specialists in pedagogy in the workplace.
…Training projects in the workplace are pertinent because they allow to strengthen the organizational culture in companies, they are socially relevant and intellectually significant for human and sustainable development at work, which foster reflection scenarios in workers, contributing with training significantly the resolution of conflicts in the workplace, workers will be able to develop autonomous learning that will allow them to have a more productive and efficient work performance!
In addition to promoting the development of training processes within companies and contributing to the learning of the different skills of their workers, it will create individuals capable of responding to the demands and needs of the company, it also encourages creation, innovation and transformation of internal processes for continuous improvement, adjusted to their activities and functions of the position.
Our objective is to contribute to companies in accompanying the construction of their training and education plan and its implementation for their workers, adjusting to the demands of the company, its culture, environment, level of academic training and its context, on the other hand, demonstrate to other companies that by educating and training employees, companies tend to have happier and more efficient workers in their work role and also contribute to generating a successful ecosystem for companies and entrepreneurs.
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These strategies are designed in order to create a healthy environment for the worker that allows him to value, sympathize and align himself with the principles and objectives of the company, a motivated worker feels identified with the pillars, vision and culture of the company, not However, it will increase your productivity, decrease absenteeism, staff turnover, minimize the margin of error in your activities and guarantee the success of the companies.